
Loving the Love on Google

There are a number of aspects to operating a local small business that can leave an individual feeling pretty darn humble – and in the best way possible. In our business, we always need to evaluate if we are delivering value to our customers. It is important to be aware of the perception that clients…


Maryland Legislators Considering a Number of New Traffic Laws

Right now there are a number of new traffic laws being considered by the Maryland legislature and all of them are aimed at increasing safety on the roadways. The first one that caught our eye is a bill currently under consideration which would allow for the videotaping of people who are texting while driving. However,…


Encouraging Skilled Trades

Recently, the Collision Repair Education Foundation and I-CAR announced their Executive Summary of the collision repair industry. This is kind of like a State of the Union for auto body repair shops. As a whole, the industry is getting more technologically proficient which is very important. As an I-CAR Gold Class designated shop, our staff…


Merry Christmas from Purnell Body Shop!

As we bring 2016 to a close, we would like to thank all of the fantastic customers of ours who helped us make this year one of our most successful. We thank you again also for voting us the best Auto Body Shop as a part of this year’s Cecil Favorites. We are so very…


Happy Thanksgiving!

At Purnell Body Shop, we absolutely love Thanksgiving! What’s not to love with all of the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pie and football? For these reasons and more, our shop will be closed on Thanksgiving Day as well as Friday, November 25th because we feel the best place for our employees to spend their Thanksgiving is…


Thank You for Voting us Best Auto Body Shop!

The results of the 2016 Cecil Favorites were announced this past week and again readers have voted Purnell Body Shop the Best Auto Body Shop in the area! We have to be honest that we are very happy to be recognized by our customers and fellow business owners in the community for the service that…


It’s Finally Fall!

We’re not sure about you, but we got our fill of 90 degree days this summer and are happy to finally feel some fall temps. This is a fantastic season to live in our area. The leaves on the trees around the Chesapeake explode with vibrant colors and make for a wonderful backdrop to Halloween…


Safety Around Buses a Must

Another fantastic summer is fading into a tiny dot in our rear view mirror but we are always excited for what fall brings here in Cecil County. The kids are back in school this week and soon we will be talking of football and homecoming and all of the great things that come with another…


Maryland’s Move Over Law – A Reminder

Everybody has something about their job that they would happily do without. However, some folks have aspects to their job that are downright dangerous. Police, fire and emergency personnel are at the risk of danger week in and week out. You only have to ask their families, many of whom say a little prayer for…


Celebrate Summer Safely on the Roads

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we at Purnell Body Shop are sure to remind our friends and neighbors here in Cecil County and the surrounding area that summer is generally a very dangerous time of the year to be driving and, frankly, it does not have to be. Unfortunately, as we…