
We Brake for Wet Leaves –Eventually

Despite this Wednesday’s forecast high near 90 degrees, it is actually fall here on the Chesapeake. For those of us eager for the full Fall experience, this weekend promises lows in the 40s. Beyond that, we’re in the heart of high school football season and the pumpkin spice is in full bloom at your favorite…


Support Your Favorite Businesses In Cecil

Who doesn’t have a favorite seafood restaurant or barber shop? Supporting small businesses builds strong communities. As it has been said so many times, when you support a small business you are helping a neighbor who hires local and serves local. When you support big box stores, you help a CEO buy his third vacation…


Thanks for Sharing the Love on Google

We are not shy about letting folks know that we have been in business here in Cecil County for over 60 years. That’s a lot of dents fixed and frames straightened. It’s also a lot of happy customers walking out of our shop over the years. We are now proud to be at a point…


Please Be Mindful In Hot Weather of Kids and Pets

Every year, we see the unfortunate stories on the news of tragedies involving children or pets being left in vehicles on hot days like today. We spend a lot of time preaching safety here at the shop. We see the results of distraction and even carelessness far too often. Some of the the tragedies related…


A Memorial Day Message

This Memorial Day Weekend, we remember the servicemen and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and our way of life. Please keep thoughts of them and their families with you this weekend. For those of you making your way to the beach, the Bay or the lake, we wish you safe travels…


Spring Storms Bring Driving Challenges

Well, no one can complain that we are not getting a Spring this year. In the past few years, it seems like Winter stuck around a bit too long and Summer showed up before anyone sent the invitation. This year, we have a full blown spring, complete with baseball, high school proms, high temps in…


No Foolin’ – MD Police to Step Up Distracted Driving Enforcement April 1st

The Maryland State Police along with local departments across the state will be conducting Distracted Driving Enforcement starting April 1 and continuing with enforcement initiatives throughout April. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Accordingly, law enforcement across the US will be participating in initiatives to curb distracted driving behavior. The goal of events such as…


Thanks for Sharing the Love on Google

We are not shy about letting folks know that we have been in business here in Cecil County for over 60 years. That’s a lot of dents fixed and frames straightened. It’s also a lot of happy customers walking out of our shop over the years. We are now proud to be at a point…


Winter Driving–Avoiding an Accident

Now that we are into January, we are fortunately seeing less deer strike as rutting season has been over for several weeks now. Another advantage which grows with each passing day is that we get a little more daylight which cuts down on drive-time fender benders. One of the greatest causes for auto accidents this…


Another Great Year Thanks to You!

It’s natural to reflect on things this time of the year. The holidays offer all of us an opportunity to think about the year that was and set goals for the year to come. Once again, we find ourselves looking back on a great year here at the shop, and once again it is in…